Introduction to the participating roles in the pay-in and settlement Flow

In the previous post , we covered the basic activities in the payment domain. Now let's explore the participating roles in the pay-in and settlement flow of the B2C model. Roles in the credit/debit card payment processing Taking credit/debit card payment as an example, there are 5 main participating roles: Consumer, Merchant, Issuer, Acquirer, and Card Network. Consumer : The customer who makes payments on the e-commerce platform. In the credit/debit card domain, the consumer is also called the cardholder. Merchant : The owner of the e-commerce platform that provides value to the consumer. Issuer : The company (a bank or an authorized financial institution) that issues credit/debit cards to consumers. The consumer must abide by the issuer's terms to use the credit/debit card. Acquirer : The company (a bank or an authorized financial institution) that facilitates the payment flow in two ways: (a) Transmits payment information between the merchant and downstream participants, suc...