
Showing posts from 2024

Introduction to the participating roles in the pay-in and settlement Flow

In the previous post , we covered the basic activities in the payment domain. Now let's explore the participating roles in the pay-in and settlement flow of the B2C model. Roles in the credit/debit card payment processing Taking credit/debit card payment as an example, there are 5 main participating roles: Consumer, Merchant, Issuer, Acquirer, and Card Network. Consumer : The customer who makes payments on the e-commerce platform. In the credit/debit card domain, the consumer is also called the cardholder. Merchant : The owner of the e-commerce platform that provides value to the consumer. Issuer : The company (a bank or an authorized financial institution) that issues credit/debit cards to consumers. The consumer must abide by the issuer's terms to use the credit/debit card. Acquirer : The company (a bank or an authorized financial institution) that facilitates the payment flow in two ways: (a) Transmits payment information between the merchant and downstream participants, suc...

What do payments mean in the e-commerce domain?

As a payments product manager with over 5 years of experience in the e-commerce industry, I want to kick off a new series reflecting on my learnings. I wish I had known these when I first stepped into the payments domain. My hope is that this series will be helpful to your product management career, whether you're just entering the payments space or simply curious about what a payments PM does and thinks. This is the first post in the series, and it will cover the scope of payments in e-commerce. E-commerce Business Models The e-commerce landscape is fundamentally shaped by two primary business models: B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer). In the B2C model, a consumer interacts with a business (merchant) operating an e-commerce platform. In the C2C model, also known as a marketplace model, consumers exist on both sides of the transaction, with the merchant serving as a transaction facilitator. (Created by Napkin AI ) Payment Activities In the B2C model, two maj...

2024/05/17 立法院爭議說明 Q & A

(圖片來源: TEIA 台灣環境資訊協會 ) 為了讓更多人了解 2024/5/17 立法院爭議,我整理了以下 Q&A,希望對促進討論有幫助,也算是繳交我的公民作業。若對於內容有問題,都歡迎不吝提出討論,謝謝! Q1: 立法院 5/17 在爭吵什麼? A: 立法院在 5/17 院會審議「立法院職權行使法部分條文修正草案」(國民黨和民眾黨對外稱為國會改革法案),此項法案在朝野具高度爭議性,民進黨為阻止此修法二三讀通過,與國民黨爆發肢體衝突,共導致 6 名立委(5 名民進黨、1 名國民黨)受傷送醫。衝突過後,院會持續進行,院會時間由原訂下午 6 點延長到晚間接近 12 點,並在國民黨與民眾黨人數優勢下,二讀通過該草案部分條文。 Q2: 為什麼民進黨要阻止該法案通過? A: 主要原因是此法案「立法院職權行使法部分條文修正草案」在院會前未經逐條審查,但國民黨和民眾黨卻要黑箱作業,強行在院會以多數決表決通過。細節說明如下: 針對立法院職權行使法修法,在 4/15 委員會時未能逐條審查與實質討論。國民黨召集委員遇有異議時即保留國民黨與民眾黨版本條文,送院會表決。 5/17 院會表決草案版本於前日( 5/16 晚間才由民眾黨立委黃國昌與國民黨立委翁曉玲定稿草案版本,版本內容黑箱,未依慣例事前公告於立法院官網供人民檢驗。 5/17 院會表決版本於當天上午未能提供定稿版本書面資料給所有與會出席立委。定稿版本書面資料至 5/17 當日晚間約 7 點才提供給所有出席立委(註:院會表定時間為下午 6 點結束)。出席立委未能有充足時間審閱和討論,即開始表決。 Q3: 立法院發生黑箱作業和我有關麼關係?為什麼我應該要關心? A: 立法院是國家立法機構,立法委員則是代表人民的代議士。若放任立院黑箱作業,立法程序不透明,將可能導致少數人操縱立法院並於未來製造更多黑箱、任意訂立更多惡法,危及人民權益。另外黑箱作業也與民主提倡的透明、討論、監督制度背道而馳。 Q4: 「立法院職權行使法草案」有哪些爭議內容? A: 立法院職權行使法是規範立法委員的職權,本次修法具爭議內容且與人民有關主要有以下兩項: 立法院可設立「調查委員會」或「調查專案小組」來行使調查權(草案第 45條),並得要求政府機關、部隊、法人、...